That’s just an example!

But it introduced you to an “EVOLUTION FUNNEL”

Information Guide

Your Free Guide will exactly meet the interest of potential clients, so anybody who wants it is a serious prospect. And you’ll promise more tips to come.

Nurturing Sequence

An automated series of emails will give more valuable tips and information, building a relationship of trust and confidence. And that relationship leads to a sale.

Build Authority

Your Free Guide and educational sequence confirm your team as the trusted experts for legal advice and action.

You need an EVOLUTION FUNNEL for your legal practice

All law firms look the same, online.

It’s true. For someone who’s looking for advice with a legal matter, it’s hard to choose one lawyer over another.

They’re comparing you and your competitors, but they won’t call or book a consultation until they decide who to contact. Which will be the law firm who stands out as different to the rest. (You’re ALL regulated and accredited. So what?)

As Harvard Business School professor Bharat Anand says,
“Success doesn’t just benefit from being different to others. It REQUIRES it. If you aren’t different in business, you’ll die.”

OK, so what’s the best way to be different?

That’s easy: demonstrate your expertise and authority. But how do you convince prospects, who are only briefly on your website, that you’re the experts they can confidently trust?

It’s surprisingly simple: add them to an automated funnel.

Start with an overlay

An ‘overlay’ on your existing website won’t affect the design of the website, or the user experience. You’ve spent money and effort to get those website visitors so, before they go, offer something that “resonates” with their situation.

Give them value

The Free Guide promises information your ideal customer REALLY wants to have. (Already, you’re different to your competitors.) Now you’ll continue to provide value, with ongoing information and helpful tips delivered by an automated sequence of emails.

Build trust and authority

Your next most valuable asset – after cash in the bank – is a list of people who want to hear from you. ALL successful marketing is based on relationships, built through communication. In the same way, your emails build trust and confidence with potential clients.

Here’s what you’ll get with your Evolution Funnel…


An ‘overlay’ will generate a list of QUALIFIED prospects who visit your website, but won’t affect your website design, or the user experience. It appears as guests scroll, and works on mobile, too.

Landing Page

In addition to your website Overlay, you’ll also get a ‘landing page’ for distraction-free capture of contact details. Mobile responsive, it’s an ideal advertising destination.
(See this example.)


Your website overlay will capture your prospects’ contact details in our autoresponder machine. It’s a database management tool, which automatically sends a sequence of educational emails.

Lead Magnet

I’ll write a Free Guide to offer your visitors. It attracts potential clients (like a magnet!) because it exactly answers their problem. So anybody who ‘opts-in’ for your offer is a serious prospect.

Hosting & Delivery

My team takes care of all the technical stuff. Your funnel is hosted on the same servers running Amazon, so there’s a 99.99% certainty your information will always be available.


An automated email sequence shares valuable information, confirming your authority and expertise. I’ll use NLP, open loops and sophisticated psychological techniques to build trust.

Learn more.

We’ll work with just one law firm in your market. Will you be the one?

“Most of us never recognize an opportunity until it goes to work in our competitor’s business.” – P.L. Andarr